God Put A Major Wager On Your Win
Every Person Needs To Consider What Wager God Has on Them.
I used to wonder why God put Adam and Eve in the garden with Satan. The guy who just took 1/3 of an enumerable host out of heaven. How is that even possible? That's a lot of angels that Satan fools out of their eternity. He convinced them that heaven with a HOLY and LOVING and ALL POWERFUL God was a bad deal. And that they could actually overthrow that God and serve the creature that he created. How did he do that? That is one snake oil salesman if I have ever seen one. The best ever in fact. The Father of lies is that the Bible calls him.
So why did God put Adam and Eve his fancy new creations in the garden of Eden with such a snake as Lucifer... now Satan? Well it took me a little to figure this out. But it is because God had faith in Adam and Eve that they would make the right decision. Without making the holy unholy. For the sake of explaining what we are seeing with simplicity. I see it like this. God put a bet on Adam and Eve. I will wager that Adam and Eve will follow me. They will understand how good they have it. I will place the weight of eternity , the world and the universe on their shoulders. I will make their decision simple and as easy as it can be. And they have me right there that they can talk to everyday. They have a great life. They will choose me and not Satan.
God left them for a little and when he returned they had rebelled against God. They gave up everything for an opportunity to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They shot themselves in the foot. They lost their own inheritance. They burned their own house to the ground. No one did it to them. They did it to themselves. And God had to pay the price for their failure.
So when you look at the story of Job. We see even more clearly. That God put a wager on Job in a way. I believe that my man Job loves me and he will not follow you Satan.
Jesus put it like this. My sheep hear my voice and another they will not follow.
Jesus told Peter.... Peter, do you love me? Feed my sheep.
The kingdom of God is built on trust and belief. Trust and belief in God and God 's trust and belief in us.
Abraham sacrificing Isaac. Moses at the burning Bush giving up the throne and privilege of Egypt. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and in all your ways acknowledge him. Joseph trusted God in Egypt when everything was seemingly lost. Daniel and his brothers trusted God in Babylon when all was seemingly lost. You are slaves. Just bow to that dag on image. Just take whatever they want to give you. It is over.
Elijah trusted God in the dark reign of King Ahab and Jezebel. They never gave up hope.
And God never gave up hope on them. Don 't give up on God because he won 't give up on you the song says!!! He is able.
So what about you my friend? What kind of wager does God have on you? God is betting that you will not fall or give in. He is betting that you will be like Peter and walk on the water.
He is betting that you will stand in the face of persecution like Steven.
Satan is betting that you and I will choose the pleasures of sin for a season instead of the Kingdom of God. Satan wishes to sift us as wheat but JESUS has prayed for us!!!
JESUS believes and thinks that we are just like him. Jesus decided to go to the cross and give up his life so that we might have eternal life with the Father. Being reconciled back to God through the blood of JESUS.
Jesus thinks that we will pick up our cross like him. Satan thinks we will choose our own lust and desires like he did and ruin everything. Join him in everlasting hell fire in the fiery furnace that was created for Satan and his angels. Not for human beings.
Lucifer wanted to have something that was none of his business. The throne of God. It was none of his business. Human beings who follow Satan are getting involved in something that is none of their business. They are buying a ticket for a place in hell that was created for Satan and his angels. God is saying ok. You want to choose Satan. Then you get what he gets. Here you go.
So what do you want, my friend? Will you choose the Heavenly Father who created you! The loving Heavenly Father who believed in you so much that he chose to go to the cross for you to pay for your sins. He paid the cost of sin and the grave for you and I. So we would not have to. And all he asks is that you believe in yourself and you walk out your purpose on the Earth. You were created to worship. We are children of God. Servants of the King. Friends of JESUS.