God Did Not Excuse My Sin He Paid For My Sin

Written by: Cedric Powell



Time to read 4 min

God did not excuse our sin he paid for it . I was just taking it to myself this morning when I woke up. I was like wow isn’t it just great! I am thankful that God excused my sin. In my mind God was like you know what? I know you did this bad thing and that bad thing and that bad thing. But I excuse you. That’s nice that is commendable but then it was probably the Holy Spirit that was like hold on for a minute Cedric. I did not excuse your sin. I paid for your sin. and there is a big difference. If someone excuses you for something that you did that was very bad that’s commendable .

When we read about God 's mercy enduring forever in in Psalms 136 or in the NLT my favorite translation it says God's faithful love enduring forever. We see how great and deep the love of God is. But until JESUS came to Earth and died for our sins. The long list of God 's faithful love in Psalms 136 is just an appetizer for God.

 Psalm 136: 1-9  

  1  Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good!

His faithful love endures forever.

  2  Give thanks to the God of gods.

His faithful love endures forever.

  3  Give thanks to the Lord of lords.

His faithful love endures forever.

  4  Give thanks to him who alone does mighty miracles.

His faithful love endures forever.

  5  Give thanks to him who made the heavens so skillfully.

His faithful love endures forever.

  6  Give thanks to him who placed the earth among the waters.

His faithful love endures forever.

  7  Give thanks to him who made the heavenly lights—

His faithful love endures forever.

  8  the sun to rule the day,

His faithful love endures forever.

  9  and the moon and stars to rule the night.

But if someone pays for something that you did that was very bad. It is an incredible gesture of unmanageable grace and mercy. The Grace and Mercy or a Father. A Father who is Strong and Holy.

El Shaddai the Strong One

What is it : We were bought with a price  What then shall we do: We should give our lives as living sacrifices holy and acceptable to God which is our reasonable service 

if God would’ve just excused our sin it would mean that it doesn’t mean anything to him but actually What we did was so bad that It totally went against the character and the substance of who God is So you would think that think about your children if they did something that was totally against the character of who you are as a person go as far as doing called a mercy killing. What they’re saying is I’m gonna kill you for your own good and actually God could’ve thought the same way these people when you look back at Noah God was so beside himself. He was like these people they have done so much evil before me that I have to destroy them, and I cannot I repent I cannot believe that I even created them, but God did not let his frustration and his anger get them the most of him instead what he did he gave us, Grace and mercy the grace and mercy that you could think of, but he also made us understand That there is a cost for Sin And we paid the flood of Noah and

Everyone who did not listen to the prophet Noah and repent of their sins and get into the boat they died in the flood so mankind at that point the descendants of Noah, they knew that there was a cost to send the descendants of Adam. They knew that there was a cost to send because you had Adam And Enoch . Same Message as Noah but God showed his grace and his mercy you see mercy, killings only show anger and power over your creation, but God showed mercy, grace, love, and self sacrifice could’ve just gotten rid of the whole human race, but in his mercy, he found what was salvageable and started over again with an imperfect man like Noah and so and what we must understand is that God does not excuse our sin he paid for it. There must be a payment sent so we can’t think like the people up today who are just like all the other people who have ever lived they think that they can send and get away with the Sign , and I am one of those people and what you will learn and what God will teach you what life will teach you what history will teach you just look at Israel right now. Do you think that Israel got away with their singing and God chosen people God is fulfilling his promise to their father Abraham right now , do you think that Israel got away with their sins . No they are paying for it right now. So as they said on the day of Pentecost when Peter preached, so what shall we do and Peter said repent of your sins, very simple turn away from your sins and follow Jesus that’s what Peter did when he met a Jesus that on a day where him and his fellow fisherman did not catch any fish he took them out into the water and he caught a boatload of fish. The fish was burst in the nets, God would be so graceful and merciful to come down and situation To have grace and mercy upon a sinner because what Peter did is, Peter said, I am a sinner. Peter confess his sin before CHRIST At that very moment, Jesus did not say anything to him that we know of But Peter responded to the goodness of God So Peter knew that when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the tentacles how Jesus was crucified, God‘s grace and mercy once again overcame his anger Frustration with Israel and with mankind and instead, Jesus did an incredible thing. God did an incredible thing through his son Jesus . In and showing such restraints, such grace, mercy, and love and compassion for sinners that he would not just excuse our sin and say don’t worry about the fornication I got you don’t worry about the adultery. Don’t worry about the drunkenness don’t worry about the heat. Don’t worry about the murder, don’t worry about the thievery. Don’t worry about the abortion instead God said I would not excuse you from send I will pay for your send. That is incredible.